Sunday, September 4, 2011

Saturday was a glorious day for meltdowns

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all the articles about how the players had bought into the new philosophy, how much stronger they had gotten, how much better shape they were in and how they wanted to show they were winners. Sadly it was all spin. Sadly, after 60 years of following IU football (except for the 10 years of the 70's [the IU "glory days"] when I was too apathetic and bitter due to my Vietnam experience), from the time as a kid, reading my late Father's Varsity newsletter till now, it is always the same. 

I was lucky and got out just before I was eligible to go. You have summed up my feelings perfectly and we both probably won't ever see a winning season or Rose Bowl or BT championship in our life The defense is terrible. Wilson needs to address this big time for now and the future.

As for IU football, somehow over all these years, I manage to be optimistic at the beginning of each new season which is the direct opposite of my overall cynical attitude toward politics, government, Wall Street, and religion. Why I get so excited about IU football and why I even care anymore is beyond me, and I agree that the chances of seeing another Rose Bowl or BT championship in our lifetime is nil.

Why do a lot of MAC teams have decent defenses every year while ours continues to be awful? I'd put Navy or Air Force in the same boatwhere they have respectable defenses, make their tackles, etc. They are outtalented against the best teams but you can tell they are very well-coached and maximize their talent.

That being said, Ball state ran the same play (QB draw after not handing to the RB) and it looked like we had never seen that play, ever. They kept running it and kept running it because we showed no sign of stopping it. And on the biggest play of the game (3rd and 6? with like 4:00 min left) guess which play they run... and guess what happens. 

This team will hopefully improve from game to game, but with the schedule as it is, we're gonna have to ask recruits to take a huge leap of faith that it's worth coming here. And starting out 0-2 is going to be a bad hole to dig out of. Good luck to CKW and the staff, they've got a lot of work to do. 

IU is the better team on paper, make no mistake about that. Our recruiting is better than Ball State's and has been historically speaking.

The defensive scheme we saw last night will get us killed in the Big Ten. IU was giving up 4-5 yards per rush and many plays went for 7-8 yards per rush. This IS NOT because Ball State has more talent than IU. It's a toughness problem, scheme problem and of course we got outcoached by Pete Lembo. 

It's not that IU has "no talent", but rather that most of IU's players are of MAC quality. The recruiting, vis-a-vis every other Big Ten school, demonstrates that.

Looks like Wis. will beat us again by 70 plus points and so will some of the other BT schools. Doesn't look good for the Hoosiers this season.

I predicted we would beat Ball State 31-10. I was so confident that I actually toyed with the idea of finding a bookmaker and betting several hundred on IU. I regained my senses and kept my unblemished record of never betting on sporting events. 

Nutt isnt even an average SEC coach anymore. Time to hire a winner

Our O tackles got torched all night
Constant pressure and no push on run plays. Just because they didn't get sacks does not mean they did their jobs. I'll be so glad when we stop covering for their lard asses and they graduate I can't stand it.
Looks like another 4 or 5 win season again... if we are lucky.

Why are we in shock over this performance?
Happens every Goddamn game.

Typical...Pathetic...This is not a TEAM...Just a bunch of guys wearing the same uni's. Please spare me the "we are young and inexperienced" bulls**t. WELL COACHED teams will perform better than this even in rebuilding years.

Proud of the defensive effort today but the rest of it was a total clusterf**k. This ain't going to get it done.

We need to start with the AD. Boone has publicly amitted that he does not hold Nutt accountable for winning. He has no business being an AD at any school that wants to win.
They BOTH need to be shown the door NOW.

Coach Nutt and staff need asbestos drawers.

To lose a game, is one thing...To look (PATHETIC, COMICAL, RIDICULOUS) in doing so, is another. This is our M. O.

Don't forget we have a bunch of whiney spoiiled brat fans that want to tuck tail everytime there is any little bump in the road. Some of you folks just amaze the crap out of me.

If it doesn't get better, perhaps we should rethink our contract with him. But he looked panicked yesterday and tha is not a good thing.

My point is... We have no reason to be as cocky as we are. I love Ole Miss more than most alums I know. I keep up with all the sports, not just one. I care about this school. The sad reality is that we are a minnow in the SEC tank of big sharks. If Houston leaves, who takes his place?? Who is breaking their neck to get to Oxford?

I am not confident for the future of Ole Miss athletics across the board. I see the gap between the upper tier and lower tier widening. I think where we are now is the status quo and don't see that changing . I hope i am prives wrong but don't look for a BCS bowl or Final Four or College World Series any time soon.

I guess hope springs eternal.  But honestly we are no better off coaching wise than we were under Orgeron --  Good recruiiting but cannot beat ANYONE that matters.  
The playcalling tonight was beyond horrible.  And we cannot block, tackle, or catch the freaking ball.. 
 How on God's green earth do you let freaking unranked BYU (on our home field!  With a loud boisterous crowd!) come from 13-0 down in the 4th to win.  It is Orgeron all over again --  totally hapless.

We suck!
New AD
New head coach
22 SEC caliber players

At the game and said these words...MISERY IS ON THE WAY.

I could sense it in my bones. I could see it in our players' faces that they had given as much as they had to give. Then, in true Ole Miss fashion, we folded like the French. We will win 3 games at most and you can say "oh it's one game and we have 525,600 freshman on the team" but the reality is we are bad. We may not win a SEC game and we may not beat Fresno State out here. Fresno was beaten by Cal but Fresno looked better than we did.

Prepare yourself and drink often to ease your pain.

As long as we aren't scoring with are offense we will continue our losses.

This team may be as bad as last season. We cant move the ball...defense is lost and the play calling is HORRIBLE. Sorry, but I dont see Nutt getting us to a bowl this season and I am just ticked that we have ZERO improvement in what we had last season.

If we get to start every season 0-1 with L's at home...then we need to start thinking of making a change. I know its the first game, but tell me ONE positive thing you saw in todays game...not counting out awesome punter.

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is it time to give up on the season, yes its the first game. But using your foresight does anyone predict a productive season for this program. I say it will be another step in the wrong direction

Rick is not a good coach 

and should be fired if he doesn't win at least 7 games and win a bowl game.    Rick is a Bruin. Great. If his coaching ability matched his passion for UCLA, we wouldn't be having this discussion.  But it doesn't.  Let's keep in mind that there was NO support for Karl Dorrell. People questioned his coaching ability and lack of passion; he was on a short leash.   And, remember that Karl is also an alum.  But Karl has done an arguably better job than Rick is doing.  The facts speak for themselves

Maybe we should change our slogan to:  UCLA Football.  Winning optional. 

Rick is a bad head coach and I think he should be fired.  Just because he loves our school doesn't make it acceptable to produce mediocre results (at best).  Heck, love UCLA to death. Can I get a position on the football staff??  Rick is getting a VERY FAIR shot to win. And so far, he hasn't produced

UCLA hasn't had a lineman drafted since 1999... might explain all the QB injuries...
Another no-name running back had a career day running the ball yesterday... and he's on a passing team...

CRN is 15-23 into his fourth season.  That is unprecedented in UCLA football history.  Speaking of unprecedented, UCLA hasn't been to the Rose Bowl since the 1998/99 season.  That time span is unprecedented too.

While I don't think calling the coach names is proper, he talked a lot of bravado and made a big scene when he came on board (remember his interview during The Rose Bowl when sc was kicking the crap out of Illinois).  Are we any better on the field than we were 4 years ago?  It sure doesn't look like it.  What is his best finish in the conference?  If you're going to dish it, you have to take it.

We must get another coach unless CRN has a winning record AND beats suc.  It just can't be any other way.  And this time we need some one from outside Westwood.  KD and RN are great examples of why inbreeding doesn't work.

And that is why UCLA's athletics sucks.  Because fans have lost their taste for steak and think tofu is just as good.

It is time UCLA fans... 

for Neuheisel to go!! His numbers are not good and not much light at the end of the tunnel IMO. Is Chris Petersen a viable candidate or has he put Boise St. in a position to compete for the Natl Champ this year? Anyways, this site is a good resource to see who is out there and who is good or bad. 

I've had it. We're getting worked on national T.V. Minus two big plays on offense, we've done absolutely nothing. We still suck at clock management. We blitz successfully, then we stop and let the QB pick us apart. We look confused at times on defense. All this with an entire offseason to prepare for this. A team that has half the talent as us (relatively speaking), but that is out disciplining us and out scheming us only means one thing. We're consistently getting outcoached and have been for quite some time. 


I say we finish this season fire all the coaches, bring in a fresh new mind like a Petersen. Have a rebuilding year next year and back to the top in 2013

I agree...we deserve better. I won't be watching anymore games as long as CMR and CMB are associtated with this team. This whole system must be changed in order to restore confidence in our players.

I'm trying to think of a stronger word, because embarrassing doesn't seem to cover it.  We've gotten used to getting embarrassed by Alabama, Florida, etc.  This is worse than embarrassing.

And if we're firing the coaches (which should have happened after last season) then why wait until the end of the season? One of the reasons Florida turned things around so quickly after Zook is that they didn't wait.  They fired Zook mid-season, identified who they wanted as a new coach, and then went and got him--along with 2 national championships.  Nothing good comes from waiting once you know the band-aid has to come off.

Why wait?  Fire the whole staff tomorrow.

it is time for a new coach. We are getting destroyed.

What I dont get it is, how did everyone not see this coming? After last year nothing coaching wise changed so you knew nothing was going to happen.

let me be honest with you from someone that's on the outside and looking in. I didn't understand the high expectations coming into this season after the 10-6 Liberty Bowl debacle against Central Florida and on top of that, losing one of the best wide receivers to ever come out of UGA.

The thing about this game that hurts me the most is how Boise St. beat us on the line of scrimmage on BOTH sides of the ball. 

I can't even tell you how I feel. I was willing to give Richt one last chance, but now, the guy could win out and I would still want his @$$ out of Athens.

It's time for a change folks, because Richt is simply past his prime.

I wouldn't worry too much, it's only 9 months to the next pre-season.  You know, our favorite season.

I guess the handwriting is on the wall now. Even our most positive fans are seeing the real story. 

This game was ridiculouse at best. I'm with Salty on this one. I invest way too much time, energy, and money in this team for our coaches to continually lay goose egg after goose egg. I wanted CMR gone years ago, but decided to stay the course and root the man on. Bobo on the other hand has been our #1 issue for years. The guy is clueless and has learned diddly squat in the off season.

Fire them all, let Gramtham take the reigns and bring in who he wants. This team and staff is a joke.

why does Georgia continue to trot out this same staff of schmucks?  The play calling last night was anemic, pathetic, and predictable.  We had one drive in the 3rd that looked really good with forward passes and when we crossed the 40, we killed the plan.

Last night was like watching your best friend get hooked on drugs.
He sobers up and acts like the old friend you used to have.  It is just like old times again.   Only to watch him go off on another binge and disappear for a while.
You love him to death but you are helpless and can only sit there and watch him self destruct.

***I'm too embarrassed for Auburn to post a meltdown***

I put this loss on BK. The team was unprepared ( as usual for our Iirsh)

The team wasn't unprepared. It had a ridiculously bad day. You can expect a little bit of that on the first day, but sometimes complete meltdowns happen winning just isn't meant to be.

How do you start Dayne Crist? It's obvious he hasn't improved. He can't see the field because he really doesn't understand the game.

ND is a bunch of pussies. all the hype is hysterical now..

*uck, Kirk Herbstreit, is right we'll be an 8 &4 team this year !

I'm fn slammed right now, and ND completely blows donkey balls. 

Yea I was pretty fricken frustrated the entire game, and pissed for an hour after, but wow did I get over that pretty quickly. Pretty sad that I have become pretty much numb to ND football disappointing every year. I am really glad I didn't completely buy into the hype this year.

Kelley fin sucks. What a crock of sht. This team couldn't beat me or my friends in touch football. Kelley should be arrested for fraud.

he's over-rated thats a fact.. these kids were not ready to play. Weis part 2???

This loss is clearly all Brian Kelly's fault! Quick! Someone see if Ty Willingham is available to be the head coach! I also hear Florida's offensive coordinator is a guru with offenses.....hes a cant miss guy. Maybe Bob Davie can coach the defense. I found our solution! Bring back all the coaches from the past, like a sadistic Christmas Carol of sorts. The coaches of Notre Dame's past.

I know that we have lost a lot of games over the years that we could have or should have won. But when can you remember so many repeated mistakes, seemingly overcoming them, then making more?

Such a bad reflection on ND. This guy looks as though he is going to strangle someone at any moment. I never have seen such a display.

I wonder what recruits think when they see Kelly balling out his players. I would think twice about playing for a guy who is going to humiliate me on national TV.

I'm serious, you have a four week QB battle that lasted 30 minutes, punt returner that can't catch, punter that couldn't kick a can down the road. The best kicker in football can't make one field goal. This team was unprepared, I question the placement of players and that's the staff.

The other teams always come into ND stadium hungrier and more focused than ND.....until this changes we'll keep giving the big underdog (UConn and USF weren't even Div IAA until the late 90's) their chance to embarass ND and all their haters.

Why is it a big deal to beat us? We have like a 56% winning percentage in something like the last 12 years or so I read.

This team panics when facing a challenge because they aren't used to winning. 

I am done banging my head against the wall until the current Srs have graduated.

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